Student Affairs and Development Division
History of Student Affairs and Development Division
During the establishment of IIUM in 1983, STADD was known as Academic and Student Affairs Division (ASAD). ASAD was headed by En. Ahmad Apandi Bin Johan as Secretary and also as the Secretary to Senate. Then, he was succeeded by En. Adzahan Bin Hj Mohamed. After that, ASAD was changed to STAD and headed by the first Dean i.e. Dr. Mohd Nur Manuty. From this separation, a Dean for Academic Affairs is therefore appointed.
In early 2000, the functions of STAD was divided into two (2) divisions i.e.. Student Development (S-DEV) and Student Affairs Services (SAF). These divisions were headed by Directors i.e. En. Wan Mohd Hilmi Wan Kamal and En. Abu Bakar Sidek. later, S-DEV was renamed as CLAV and SAF was renamed as Student Affairs and Development Division. In 2012, CLAV and SAF once again had been merged to become Student Affairs and Development Division (STADD).

Project Glimpse
Waqaf Time is to inculcate within IIUM students the concept of Budi (virtue) for ummatic vision, the culture of waqaf among our students. Not only waqaf in terms of material but also waqaf in terms of time, energy and expertise and to produce IIUM students with holistic or versatile personality.
The Waqaf Time system will be a generic solution that records the activity of the voluntary works. This will allow the University to capture the hours or days contributed by the students and staff on the voluntary engagement that each individual has spent while with the University. Thus, allowing the university to systematically record, of which at the end of the process, is to recognise the volunteerism activity undertaken, from within IIUM community.
Insy’Allah with the spirit of volunteerism IIUM will be able to develop an environment which instils commitment for life-long learning and a deep sense of social responsibility among students and staff. That is to nurture and embody IIUM Community who are balanced, harmonious and as an Insan Sejahtera in LEADING THE WAY
STADD aims at becoming a leader in providing students with transformative university experience in becoming marketable graduates with balanced personalities.
To develop students’ potential through quality services and co-curricular activities enhancing personal wellbeing, leadership qualities and community engagement.
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