Sports Development Centre
The sports section in IIUM was established in 1983. Since then, sports have become vibrant activities in IIUM. In 1990, the sports activities in IIUM have drastically increased in term of quantity and quality. In 1991, the role of sports section became more demanding when IIUM was indirectly involved with the World University Sports Federation (FISU), Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF) and AseanUniversity Sports Council (AUSC).
The primary purpose of Sports Development Centre (SDC) is to provide opportunities for students and staff to pursue their sports and recreational interest. The focus of SDC programmes are blending and learning new motor skill while coordinating all sports activities, monitor the progress of IIUM sports development and supervise the maintenance of venues and sports facilities of the university.
IIUM Gombak has two (2) Sports Complexes, each for male and female community. They are located at the northern side of the campus. The university has also sports facilities in other campuses i.eKuantan, Gambang and Petaling Jaya. The sports facilities are available for all students and staff of the IIUM as well as visitors. All bookings can be made through the office of SDC with minimal fees charge.

Project Glimpse
In the year 2021, SDC celebrates its 25 Years Silver Jubilee (1996 – 2021) establishment at IIUM Gombak Campus. It is timely for SDC beautify IIUM sports venues, beginning with the Saiyiddina Hamzah Stadium in support the Sejahtera Academic Framework’s ‘Beautifying Garden of Knowledge and Virtue’ through mural activity.
The Mural Painting projects aims to record IIUM’s journey towards becoming a sustainable institution of higher education as stated in the IIUM 7 Missions and its Strategic Initiatives.
Students and IIUM community are the primary users of the Sports Complexes at the discretion of the Deputy Rector, Student Affairs and the Director of Sports and Recreational Centre. Outside users may reserve and apply to use the facilities at other times.
The scheduling of facilities are subject to University and individual usage policies. All users are expected to comply by the rules and regulations established for the use of each facility by the Sports and Recreational Centre.

To become an excellent sports and recreational centre that provides states-of art facilities and services and develop athletes with holistic personality.
Sports culture as a norm to IIUM community.
Providing excellent facilities and services.
Organizing sports event at all levels.
Realizing the vision of producing athletes with holistic personality.
Teampower at its best.
Sports hub and referral centre to all.
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