Disability Services Unit
As one of the leading universities in the Muslim countries, the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) has attracted many excellent talents to join the University as students or as staff, regardless of their disabilities. The opportunity provided by the IIUM has opened doors to persons with disabilities to play an equally important role in the process of developing the country and the Muslim ummah as a whole.
In view of the increasing number of students and staff with various types of disabilities, in April 2012 a group of staff and students with disabilities proposed the idea to the Honourable Rector to establish a unit within the University to cater specifically to the needs of persons with disabilities, as generally practiced especially at all leading universities in the world. With the strong support of the University, the Disability Services Unit (DSU) of the IIUM was established in July 2012 to cater specifically to the needs of students, staff and visitors with disabilities at the IIUM. It seeks to provide equal opportunity for comprehensive excellence and access to teaching and learning through enhancement of facilities and services for persons with disabilities. This is in line with the Islamic spirit of al-‘adl wa al-ihsan, and in accordance with Malaysia’s Persons with Disabilities Act 2008. It is also consistent with the IIUMyFamily concept that promotes inclusion of students and staff with disability in education and employment.

- To ensure the provision of facilities for disabled students, staff & visitors
- To liaise with the Development Division, the Welfare Unit, and other Kulliyyahs/Centers/ Divisions /Units to ensure the welfare of disabled students, staff & visitors
- To establish policies and administrative system with regard to meeting the needs of disabled students, staff & visitors
- Offer advise on inclusive teaching practices
- Develop strategic plans to ensure full implementation of IIUM Disability Inclusion Policy
- Advisor to the IIUM Ibn Ummi Maktum Club (I-MaC)
- A student’s society established for disabled students in IIUM
- Collaborates with IIUM Special Parents
Project Glimpse
WACANA AL-QURAN (4 series)
DSU together with CELPAD, CENTRIS, and Sahabat YADIM IIUM were collaborating with Yayasan Warisan Ummah Ikhlas to produce 4 series of Wacana al-Qur’an on OKUs. The series were broadcasted live at all Sinar Harian media social platforms.
Different notable panelists were invited face to face in the studio or online to share their views on each topic. The moderator for all series is Tuan Fazrul Ismail, Ketua Pegawai Penyelidik Yayasan Warisan Ummah Ikhlas and the Qari for reciting related verses is Ustaz Abdul Khair Jalil from CENTRIS, IIUM.
Among the issues that were highlighted during the Wacana Al-Quran programme is the lack of access to Islamic education that tailored to the needs of the different categories of OKUs. It has been suggested that DSU to create a portal/website to provide links to Islamic organizations/NGOs/agencies that provide assistance or services for OKUs as well as Islamic education or early intervention for OKUs. This website will facilitate access to these much-needed services. As a result, DSU have managed to get a domain and hosting from ITD and a group of students from Student Union has helped to create and develop this website. The website has been announced during the Wacana Al-Quran programme and included as part of high touch community engagement. The website domain is

Disability Awareness Videos
Organisational Chart

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