
Message from the Deputy Rector
(Student Development and Community Engagement)
Assalamualaikum Wrt. Wbt.,
Greetings and welcome to the Office of the Deputy Rector (Student Development and Community Engagement).
As the custodian of the University’s students’ development and engagement within the perimeters of our local neighborhood, we are driven to engage students in meaningful holistic development that results in a profound social change and sustainable positive impact on the community. The office was created to challenge and support students to be engaged citizens in their communities and be active parts of support in building a culture of service for IIUM. The value of students engaging in community development projects is immeasurable.
Our office is dedicated in providing students with enriching transformative experiences which combines a balance of academic education and opportunities for experiential learning or real life skills to serve the communities in a variety of meaningful ways. We cultivate and transform students into community leaders, dedicated to social action.
As the Deputy Rector (Student Development and Community Engagement), I can assure you that my office will keep on striving to create diverse and meaningful platforms for IIUM students to receive the best in becoming bearers of the Ummah, InsyaAllah.
Deputy Rector (Student Development and Community Engagement)
International Islamic University Malaysia
The Office of the Deputy Rector (Student Development and Community Engagement) is responsible for assisting students by leading, directing, and administering the overall functions and provisions of students activities and visibility, wellbeing and their involvement in community based engagement.
A leader in providing students with transformative university experiences in becoming marketable graduates with balanced personalities.
To develop students' potential through inclusive quality services and co-curricular activities enhancing personal wellbeing, entrepreneurial skills, leadership qualities and community engagement.

Strategic Objectives
Establish and enhance services that support academic development as well as students’ spiritual, physical and overall wellbeing.
Enrich students’ experience and performance by providing adequate physical space, facilities and equipment that ensure safe and conducive environment.
Develop students’ Islamic character, international outlook, marketability, entrepreneurial skills and positive leadership qualities through on and off campus learning programmes.
Promote community engagement as well as a culture of professionalism in respect of students’ self-image, attitude, skills, knowledge, and social ethics.
Contact Us
Office of the Deputy Rector
(Student Development & Community Engagement),
Level 4, Muhammad Abdul-Rauf Building
International Islamic University Malaysia
03 – 6421 5991 (Office Secretary)
03 – 6421 5997 (Admin Officer)